Call of Duty 4 (COD 4) is relatively new to the multiplayer gaming scenario since it was only released in late 2007. Even though this game has taken over as one of the most played games in other countries and having many gaming tournaments
The first online COD 4 server in
Sri Lankan gamers were exposed to some online gaming competitions for Counter Strike 1.6 but they had little chance of showing off their COD 4 talents because there weren’t any COD 4 tournaments being held. Few of the Sri Lankan clans had COD 4 teams namely Infinity Gamers (IG), Death Company (DC), nOOb Alliance (NA) but they didn’t have a tournament to play online. However Death Company COD 4 played some matches with an overseas COD 4 clan. Because of the lack of tournaments the leader of IG, Razeen aka DirkBlack thought of hosting a tournament with his own internet connection. It’s barely enough to hold 10 players on the server and that is all what is needed. So November of 2008 saw the first online COD 4 tournament in
- Shafrox - Leader
- Madhatter
- Exwife
- Pirate
- Psycho
He also gave a surprising bit of news. He will be leaving IG soon. But that is for a better cause. He will be joining the first Lanka COD 4 team managed by Thilina Pinto aka Cipher and the team name is “Team perks”. The team was announced on today. The team is as follows. The team tag will be "Perks"
- Shafrox
- DirkBlack
- Pirate
- Madhatter
- Exwife
- Psycho
Nice post :) will update you with a nice pic ;)
You forgot the first COD4 tourney in SL at SLCG 2008
Rav.. I was more writing on the lines of "Online".
Call of Duty 4 is the very nice multiplayer game to play. The mission of this game is very nice. Players can use the different war weapons to play this game.
r4 sdhc card
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